Bie Sukrit International Fan-club

By Malie

Phra Bie: reasons for his 2nd ordination

July 5, 2013



This morning July 5, 2013, phra Bie the Star or Sukrit Wisetkaew, a famous singer and actor started to carry out monk’s duty by going out accepting food offering for the first time at Intaram Buddhist Temple, Ayutthaya.  A large group of fans, friends and local residents came to make the offering to the newly ordained monk.  From there, he traveled to another Monk Institution to practice dharma. 

Phra Bie the Star ordained into monk-hood for the 2nd time, yesterday (July 4, 2013) quietly at Intaram Buddhist Temple.  The reason for this 2nd time around ordination – phra Bie has successfully completed what he has set out to do with the work in the entertainment industry.

At the same time, this is his three years anniversary of when he first ordained into monk-hood at this temple back in 2010.  It has been his intention all along to ordain into monk-hood once again.  He initially set to be in monk-hood for 7 days, but did not set the date when he would go back to secular life.  After he returns to secular life, he plans to go and live in America for 1 year to study music.


According to Zhae tae chao radio show (see clip below)
Exact PR came out to clarify the info… phra ordained into monk-hood because he wants to do it not because he is fulfilling a vow. They also confirmed that he will be in monk-hood for 7 days only or until July 11, 2013…  not indefinitely like previously reported by news papers.


บวชรอบสอง “บี้ เดอะสตาร์” ได้ฉายา “ฐิตคุโณ” ผู้มีคุณความดีอันตั้งมั่นอยู่แล้ว

เมื่อเช้าวันนี้ ผู้สื่อข่าวรายงานว่า นักร้องขวัญใจวัยรุ่น “บี้ สุกฤษฎิ์ วิเศษแก้ว” ได้เข้าอุปสมบท ณ วัดอินทาราม จ. อยุธยา แล้ว เมื่อวันที่ 3 ก.ค. ที่ผ่านมา ได้ฉายา“ฐิตคุโณ” แปลว่า ผู้มีคุณความดีอันตั้งมั่นอยู่แล้ว และเนื่องจากนักร้องหนุ่มมีเวลาเพียงน้อยนิดในการอุปสมบทในครั้งนี้ เลยไม่ได้มีการแจ้งไปยังสื่อมวลชน เนื่องจากอยากบวชเงียบๆ


ready to accept food offering

ready to accept food offering

out to accept food offerings

accepting food offerings  (1)

food offering

accepting food offering (2)

people wait to make food offering

after the food offering

@ another branch of Intaram Temple?

@ another branch of Intaram Temple?

Thairath 070513

Thairath 070513 -1

6 comments on “Phra Bie: reasons for his 2nd ordination

  1. Malie BIFC
    July 5, 2013
  2. Malie BIFC
    July 5, 2013
  3. Malie BIFC
    July 5, 2013

    according to Zhae tae chao – Exact PR came out to clarify the info… phra ordained into monk-hood because he wanted to do it not because he tries to fulfill his vow. They also confirmed that he will be in monk-hood for 7 days only… not indefinitely like others news paper previously reported.

  4. Kelly
    July 7, 2013

    Well this makes me feel much more better knowing that he wont stoo singing yet.

    • Malie BIFC
      July 7, 2013

      lots of rumors including the media are saying that he might not come back to showbiz again…
      I don’t believe those rumors… I’ll take the positive route 🙂

  5. dalovekobori
    April 13, 2014

    he just want to stay in quiet place for awhile..

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